I need an "every day" lens for my Canon Elan 7ne - yes, I still shoot film
. I have the 17-40 4L USM, 70-300 4-5.6 IS and the kit lens 28-105 4-5.6. What I am running into is the ability to be able to just take quick snapshots of people including some background while I standing maybe 10-15' away from them. This generally happens when we are in crowded locations and I don't have the option of getting far enough away for the zoom and with the wide angle, I feel like I'm right on top of them. Basically just a good lens I can leave on all the time. I've read the reviews for some of the prime lenses which I thought I was leaning towards but now I'm wondering if I should get the better 28-105 lens or something along those lines.
I am definitely not a professional so I'm not looking for the "best" lens money can buy. I do want something decent and especially one that is good in low light situations.
I appreciate any suggestions/help anyone can give me.
Oh yeah, I'm going to Switzerland and Germany during the Christmas holidays so I need something before then...