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Topic: Flash unit for everyday use (Read 4925 times)
Posts: 5
Hello again everyone..!
So after finally purchasing my Canon EF 70-300 usm lens for my XSi, I am now in need of a Flash unit that for my everyday use.. Any recommendations ? Thanks again!!
« Last Edit: April 08, 2010, 04:19:57 PM by italspan »
What doesn't the pop-up flash do for you?
The 270EX will get you more reach, but it has no IR focus assist, and with 2 batteries it has failed me in "semi-pro" situations, that is, times when I want to take a lot of flash pictures in a big room in pretty rapid succession. (It overheats and takes forever to recharge) It tends to eat regular AA's pretty fast
So, if you just want a bigger pop-up flash, get the 270EX. If you want a semi-pro flash, get the 430EX. When I need the external flash, I need to take a lot of pictures quickly, so I will need to get a 430EX.
Bob Atkins
I'd definitely suggest going with the Canon 430EX II as mid-level flash at a reasonable price. It has all the features you'll probably need including manual control, a zoom flash head, tilt and swivel for bounced flash use, 1st and 2nd curtain sync, high speed sync, an AF assist light and it can be used in a wireless slave configuration with a 580EX used as a master controller.
I went for the Mecablitz 48-F1. I have used Mecablitz flash guns for 40 years with various cameras and always found them reliable. Not knocking the Speedlights just pointing out an alternative that works equally as well with the 40D's electronics. Since buying the gun soon after buying the camera I have never used the on-board flash.
If you don't take our advice, I would be glad to sell you my 270EX. 8^) If you are insterested, I will put a post up in the classifieds.