Amazon New and Used Book Bargains
Here's a selection from the Amazon new and used photography book listings. These books are mostly under $10 (or were when I last looked) a few are under $5 - some are even as low as $0.10! However all of them are heavily discounted from the cover price and all of them with Amazon ratings have 4 to 5 stars. Shipping is $3.49 per book, but even with shipping included they all represent great value and a very significant saving over their cover prices, which range up to $50.
In some cases there may be only one copy available at the listed price so if you see something you
want, grab it!
I've personally bought many new and used books via Amazon and I've never had any problems with sellers or the condition of the
books I've received. Many of the "used" books are in fact brand new, but being sold off at discount prices.
Latest Additions
Digital Photography
Photo Essays
"How To" books
If you want to do your own search (warning - there are thousands of books!) try this
Books > Used Books > Arts & Photography > Photography