Microwave restrictions in Isreal
(Archived from http://www.southgatearc.org/)

Israel's radio hams lose access to much Microwave spectrum
Radio amateurs in Israel have lost much of their spectrum between 1 and 6 GHz and suffered a draconian power reduction on 10 GHz
Israel has three classes of amateur license:
- Class A (Advanced) up to 1500 watts
- Class B (General) up to 250 watts
- Class C (Novice) 100 watts on 4 HF bands, lower power on some higher bands
Israel's Ministry of Communications amateur allocations document produced on November 17, 2020, shows these changes to amateur allocations between 1 and 10.5 GHz:
The 23cm band (formerly 1240-1300 MHz) has been reduced to just 1260-1270 MHz and can only be used by Class A holders for Satellite uplink with a maximum power of 25 watts.
The 13 cm band appears to have remained the same, Class A and Class B have:
- 2320-2340 MHz 15 watts
- 2400-2402 100 watts
- 2402-2450 100 milliwatts
The 9 cm band which used to be 3400-3475 MHz has been entirely lost
The 6 cm band was 5650-5850 MHz now only the satellite segments remain 5650-5670 MHz 50 watts and 5830-5850 MHz 200 milliwatts. Only Class A can use them and it appears to be satellite only operation.
The 3 cm band has suffered a dramatic power reduction
- 10.00-10.45 GHz maximum power is now just 100 milliwatts and is Class A only (it was 100w Class A, 25w Class B)
- 10.45-10.50 is satellite only, Class A 100 watts, Class B 25 watts
Note: The following links are in Hebrew.
A PDF of Israel's new amateur allocations is at https://www.gov.il/BlobFolder/service/radio-amateurs-certificates/he/RadioAmateur_terms-of-allocation-of-frequency-band.pdf
The AGM of the Israel Amateur Radio Club was held on December 30, 2020. A video of the Zoom event in on YouTube with the "Danger Amateur Radio" segment at 02:53:25, it can be seen at https://youtube.com/watch?v=rjRL8PxgyUQ