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moon phases

The Daily Page

Just a philosophically slanted photography quote and a new view from space each day, as well as a glimpse of your neighbor's weather, the state of the internet and the phase of the moon!

It's Friday 14th 2025f March 2025 here on the US East coast

Today's Photography Quote

document.write ("Since I'm inarticulate, I express myself with images. - Helen Levitt");

Today's View from Space

Courtesy of NASA

Today's Internet Speed

The Internet Traffic Report monitors the flow of data around the world. It then displays a value between zero and 100. Higher values indicate faster and more reliable connections. Current Internet conditions. The range is 0 to 100. The higher the number, the faster the internet is operating today. The arrow shows if things are getting faster (up arrow) or slower (down arrow). If things are static you don't see an arrow.

World Wide Weather


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