So you've just bough a digital camera and you're wondering what to do with the images? Well, you could do much worse than take a look at Picasa, an image organizer suite from Google. The first reason to try it is that it's absolutely free, but the second and third reasons are that it actually does a pretty good job and it's quite easy to use. It's certainly no substitute for programs like Adobe's Photoshop or Lightroom, but you could easily spend $1000 on such software packages and for beginners, they're likely to be too complex as well as too expensive. Picasa does a pretty decent job of being a simple image editor, organizer and image sharing program and it does it all for free.
Picasa is a photo organizer, a basic photo editor, an album/gallery creator and a tool for uploading images to websites, blogs and digital photofinishers. It was originally developed and sold as commercial software by Idealab, but it was acquired in July of 2004 by Google and then made available at no charge to anyone who wanted it. A major update (v2.0.0) was released in January of 2005 which had many new features and there have been several more releases, the latest (as of December 2005) being v2.5.0 which was fully released in September 2006. Development is continuing. In August 2006 v Google acquired Neven Vision who were developing software to search for features in images such as people or buildings. Google have said that this technology will be applied to searching for photos within Picasa at some point in the near future
It's hard to fully describe all the features of Picasa, but here are just a few of them.
Picasa is available as a totally free download from Google. You can download a free software suite which includes Picasa, Google Earth (a 3-D map program), Google desktop, A photo screensaver and a bunch of other useful utilities. You can select exactly which programs you want to install. You can customize and download Google pack from the link below.
Google gives away these programs in order to strengthen their brand image. In addition they tie into other google services like Blogger and Picasa Web Albums (which gives you 250MB of free web space to store your images online, or 6GB of space for $25/yr). Picasa also allows you to upload images directly to digital printing labs which I presume pay Google a commission on sales!