Canon News and Rumors - 2005
December 2005![]()
• [12/20/05] - Canon have released firmware updates version 1.0.3 for the EOS 5D and version 1.0.2 for the EOS 1D MkII N. The 5D update fixes fixes the phenomenon of large image files (1.7GB) being created. an operational abnormality in the AEB (Auto Exposure Bracketing) shooting, mistakes in the Swedish-language MENU displays and improves the brightness of the LCD monitor. The 1D MkII N update fixes a file-numbering error that occurred during Bulb shooting, improves the brightness of the LCD monitor and fixes mistakes in the Russian-language MENU displays.
• [12/17/05] - Well, all is pretty quiet on the Canon front right now. I expect things will pick up as PMA approaches in February 2006. One thing I have noticed is that the price of the EOS 5D has now dropped below $2950 from reputable dealers. I'm not talking about bait-and-switch prices advertised by ScumOfTheEarthPhoto.com, but real prices from real dealers like Amazon.com. Here's an Canon EOS 5D for under $2950 for example. November 2005• [11/02/05]
I though I understood the Canon rebate scheme, but apparantly I didn't. I'd assumed you get the multiple rebates on just three items. However in their Rebate FAQ Canon write: • [11/01/05] - Amazon are running a promotion this week (ends November 7th 2005) and they are giving an extra 5% discount on a number of Canon EOS lenses (including some "L" series lenses), the Digital Rebel XT and 20D, plus a number of digicams and other accessories including memory cards and printers. See the Amazon Offer page for details
October 2005• [10/28/05] - As predicted below (10/22/05) Canon have announced a repair program for some early production examples of the EF 24-105/4L lenses. Details can be found on the Canon Website. Lenses with control number less than UT1000 are involved. Canon will pay all repair costs, including all shipping and handling charges. The program starts on November 14th 2005 and is available for residents of the US and Puerto Rico only. I'd assume that other Canon divisions (Europe, Asia etc.) will have their own repair programs to be announced later. • [10/25/05] - Canon have new firmware available for the 20D and 20Da (v 2.0.3) and the Digital Rebel XT (v 1.0.3). The 20D update improves communication with CF cards and fixes a problem with color temperature information communications with the 430EX. The 350D update fixes communication problems with the RC-1 remote controller, problems playing back images and improves CF card communication. See http://www.canon.co.jp/Imaging/BeBit-e.html • [10/25/05] - Canon announced their first wireless digicam today, the SD430. It's essentially an SD450 with wireless built in. You can tranfer images to a nearby wireless equiped printer or PC (i.e. one in the same room). You won't be able to roam around the streets of New York and tranfer your images via wireless networks to your PC at home in London. Sorry. See the preview here • [10/22/05] - There is news of a problem with the new EF 24-105/4L lens. Apparantly there is a issue with flare under some circumstances. If the word on the street is to be believed, it happens with the lens at wideangle settings and large apertures when there is a strong light source at around 40 degrees from the optical axis. Many people have used this lens for 1000s of shots and had no problem, but it seems that Canon will be offering a free fix, probably starting sometime in mid-November for the US. I'm not aware of any official Canon USA press releases on this subject, but this is what a number of people have been told by Canon representatives and has been confirmed in Japan and Europe. • [10/17/05] - Despite no press release from Canon, the fall rebate scheme metioned below (and detailed on the Canon Rebates page) seems to be in full swing, with all major retailers advertising the availability of the rebates. Save $300 on an EOS 20D or $225 on a Digital Rebel XT! • [10/12/05] - Canon have posted firmware updates version 1.1.4
for the 1Ds Mk II and version 1.2.4 for the the EOS 1D Mk II. Links can be found on the
Canon BeBit Webpage. • [10/06/05] - Canon have announced that some of the Sony manufactured CCDs used in some of their consumer digicams and videocams may fail under conditions of high temperature and humidity. The symptoms are no image or a distorted image. The models affected are the PowerShot A60, PowerShot A70, PowerShot A75, PowerShot A300, PowerShot A310, Digital IXUS V3, Digital IXUS II, Digital IXUS IIs digital cameras and the MV600i, MV630i, MV650i, MV700i, MV730i, MV750i, MV5i, MV5i MC, MV6i MC ZR60, ZR65 MC, ZR70 MC, ZR80, ZR85, ZR90, Elura 40 MC, Elura 50 digital video cameras. More information is available on the Canon-Asia website
September 2005
• [09/29/05] - Canon have traditionally (well, last year at least - See Fall 2004 Rebates) come up with a fall rebate scheme on selected camera bodies and lenses. While they certainly won't make any announcement until the day the scheme starts, it looks very probable that there will be a rebate program this year too and that it will be quite similar to last year's. I'd expect an official announcement from Canon on October 15th. If you're hoping the new 5D and 24-105/4L IS will be included in the program, I think you will be disappointed. Don't hold your breath for any EF-S zooms either. • [09/09/05] Amazon have the
Canon BCI - 6 series ink cartridges • [09/10/05] - Canon have made some interesting statements about full frame sensors on the World of Canon CMOS Sensors section of their website . In particular they comment on the advantages of CMOS in fabricating full frame sensors. Based on these pages and other statements made by Canon recently - "it's a long way before all EOS models will have a full size sensor, but Canon's aim is to equip all models, except the cheapest, with a 35mm sensor in the future" (see news item from 08/29/05 below) - it seems Canon's push for full frame sensors is quite clear. It will be interesting to see how other camera manufacturers respond. Canon make their own sensors, while I believe Nikon, Minolta and Pentax depend on external suppliers. • [09/09/05] - Canon have just posted 6 full size EOS 5D images on their BeBit website, together with information about and 6 sample images from the EOS 1D MkII N .
• [09/03/05] - Issue #14 of the CPS Europe Newsletter is out. It features the EOS 5D, EOS 1D MkII N, 430EX Speedlite and the EF 24-105/4L IS, as well
as the usual editorial, pictorial and technical articles. • [09/01/05] - Though most retailers are predicting the new EF 24-105/4L IS USM won't be available until October, a few stores have already received (and sold!) a few lenses. If you just can't wait to get your hands on one, it might be worth calling around "just in case" there's one left somewhere! No word yet on sightings of the EF 70-300/4-5.6 IS USM. August 2005• [08/29/05] - I've long maintained that, whatever some users think to the contrary, most DSLRs will eventually move to full frame and that Canon with drop the 1.3x sensor size. I think manufacturers have been pushing virtues of smaller sensors only because they can't make larger sensors cheaply enough. Well, it seems that Canon agrees with me. Here's a quote reported on Digit.no (a Norwegian site) "Brian Worley, product manager of D-SLR cameras at Canon Europa, said that it's a long way before all EOS models will have a full size sensor, but Canon's aim is to equip all models, except the cheapest, with a 35mm sensor in the future. " • [08/22/05] - Canon today confirmed the EOS 5D rumors by releasing details (which are essentially identical with the rumors), as well as a price of $3300. Also announced (as rumored!) is a 1D MkII N, which is very similar to the 1D MkII (same sensor), but with a larger LCD, some firmware changes and a new AF system (9 zones plus 6 "invisible" zones as in the 5D). There are two new lenses, a 24-105/4L as was rumored and an update of the 70-300/4-5.6IS USM (which is a surprise). The 70-300/4-5.6IS USM seems to be very similar to the existing lens, but now has 3rd generation IS. It still has a micro USM (not a ring USM), and is said to have new lens coatings and "lens element shaping", optimized for digital use. Finally there is a 430EX speedlite, and upgrade of the 420EX with slightly more power and the ability to change zoom setting based on digital sensor size to provide optimum coverage. Full details on all these new products soon (I'm currently on the road in the UK with limited web access!). • [08/15/05] - More pretty solid rumors about what's coming from Canon. A leaked preview of the Canon Europe CPS newsletter (now withdrawn from the Canon website) appears to have articles on a a new EF 24-105/4L IS USM lens, 430 EX speedlite and an EOS 1D Mk II N. As yet there are no clues as to the specifications of the 430EX or the 1D Mk II N, though I suspect they may be relatively minor tweaks of existing products. Again, the existence of these items has NOT been confirmed by Canon, so it's just speculation at this point whether or not they are real. I suspect they are, but we'll probably know for sure early next week. • [08/09/05] - Well it's August, so rumors of a new Canon DSLR are bound to be blooming!
Canon have made something of a tradition of making announcements in late August (the 22nd seems like a good
date this year). you can find rumors of amost anything if you read around enough. Some are speculating that the
20D will be replaced, but I simply don't believe that is true. • [08/09/05] - Canon has released firmware v2.0.2 for the EOS 20D. This fixes a bug in firmware v2.0.0 that prevented the EOS Capture application from operating correctly when the camera's image quality setting is RAW+JPEG.
July 2005• [07/20/05] - Canon USA have announced that customers having problems with the EOS 20D/EOS 20Da Battery Grip BG-E2 (S/N 000001 - 096000) and Battery Magazine BGM-E2 will recieve a free repair. Canon state that " It has been discovered that when using Battery Grip BG-E2 with EOS 20D/20Da digital SLR cameras, there are cases that, even with fully charged batteries (exclusive battery pack or NiMH battery) or unused AA size batteries, only a few shots can be taken or "bc" is displayed immediately. BG-E2 Battery Grips that cause this phenomenon will be repaired free of charge." • [07/11/05] - Canon have a new website explaining DSLR operation for beginners. It was launched, then went off line for corrections and is now back. I think there may still be a few bugs in it (some of the "before and after" images look exactly the same!), but I imagine Canon will take care of that soon. Looks like a useful reference if you're new to digital. See: Canon - Enjoy DSLR Cameras! • [07/02/05] - Issue #13 of the Canon Europe CPS newletter is out. You can find the contents listed at http://www.cps.canon-europe.com/articles/. June 2005• [06/23/05] - Canon have released firmware v1.1.3 for the EOS 1Ds Mk II. With the version 1.1.2 firmware, pressing the DISPLAY button right after shooting images resulted in an abnormal display and the camera would freeze. This firmware fixes that problem. • [06/20/05] - There have been reports of problems when upgrading from some very early firmware versions of the 20D (v1.0) to the current version (v2.0.0). The upgrade stops (or pauses for a long time) at 94% complete. Wait a few minutes and if the udate still doesn't continue, one solution is to then turn the camera off, then back on and run the upgrade again. The upgrade should then proceed as normal. An alternate solution is to first upgrade firmware v1.0 to v1.4, then upgrade from v1.4 to v2.0 There are no problems upgrading from v1.4 to v2.0 • [06/15/05] - Microsoft have released a
RAW Image Thumbnailer and Viewer which is a free "PowerToy" for Microsoft Windows XP that provides the ability to view, organize, and print photos captured in RAW image formats from supported digital cameras.
It supports the
Canon EOS 1D,
Canon EOS 1Ds ,
Canon EOS 1D Mark II,
Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II,
Canon EOS D30,
Canon EOS D60,
Canon EOS 10D,
Canon EOS 20D,
Canon EOS Digital Rebel (300D), and
Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT as well as a number of Canon Powershot cameras and Nikon DSLRs.
• [06/01/05] - I missed a couple of other firmware updates yesteday (see below for 1D Mk II update). Canon have also posted firmware 1.0.2 for the Digital Rebel XT/350D amd firmware 1.1.2 for the EOS 1Ds Mk II. • [06/01/05] - Canon have announced that the EOS 20a will now be available outside Japan. Details of the 20a can be found on the Canon_Europe website. It's not on the Canon USA website - in fact right now, today, the EOS 20D isn't even there! I'm sure they'll correct that soon. Rumors that it has been discontinued are certainly premature. More likely someone hit the wrong key while trying to update the site...the EOS 20Da is a slightly modified 20D with enhanced red sensitivity for astrophotography applications. It is NOT an update of the EOS 20D.
May 2005• [05/31/05] - Canon have released firmware version 1.2.2 for the EOS 1D Mk II. It corrects a problem where pressing the DISPLAY button immediately after shooting, the LCD monitor would turn completely white, the camera would hang, and the images in the buffer memory would be lost. • [05/26/05] - Canon Zoombrowser v5.2.1 is now available for download from the Canon website. You have to navigate their tortuous menu system, but eventually you'll get to it! ZB now supports RAW conversion for all EOS DSLRs from the D30 to the 1Ds Mk II. It runs under Windows versions from 98SE up. It does not run on Windows 98 or earlier. • [05/20/05] - Canon today released a statement concerning problems with image loss from CF cards under certain conditions with EOS DSLRs. The text of the release can be found on the Canon Website. There are two problems. One affects the 1Ds Mk II and 1D Mk II. Pressing the [DISPLAY] button immediately after shooting with the camera set to "RAW+JPEG (high image quality)" causes the LCD monitor to become entirely white and the camera to lock up, losing all the images in the buffer. The second also affects the 20D and Digital Rebel XT and concerns loss of images when these cameras are used with Lexar Professional 80x-speed Compact Flash cards. Firmware updates should soon be available to fix these problems as detailed atthe link given above. • [05/08/05] - Adobe has released Camera Raw 3.1 which provides RAW image capabilities for users of the Digital Rebel XT. Note However that it is only compatible with Photoshop CS2 and Elements 3.0. I'm not quite sure just what Adobe expect Digital Rebel XT owners with Photoshop CS to do. Upgrade to CS2 maybe - or use some other RAW conversion software? Maybe one day they'll upgrade RAW 2.4 to include the XT. Then again, maybe not. You'd think at $600 a copy, they'd provide a little better support for owners of previous versions of CS. • [05/07/05] - Just in case you hadn't noticed, the major vendors (Amazon, Adorama etc.) have dropped the price on the Digital Rebel XT by about $50.
• [05/05/05] - Canon (Europe) CPS newletter #12 is out. There are articles on metadata (EXIF, IPTC etc) stored with digital files, the WFT-E1 wireless system and studio photography as well as several photo essays and other articles.
April 2005• [04/28/05] - Canon have acknowleged a problem with the BG-E2 grip for the 20D and have issued the following statement: • [04/24/05] -
A couple of things - The rebate on Tamron lenses runs out on April 30th. If you're intested in the 28-75, 17-35, 28-300 or 200-500, you might want to checkout the reviews here and decide before the end of the month! • [04/19/05] - There's a new firmware update for the EOS 20D (v2.0.0) which you can download from ther Canon BeBit Website. The only change is support for the wireless file transmitter WFT-E1. • [04/15/05] - Looks like Canon are bringing out a new rebate program. You can find full details on the rebates page. Information obtained so far indicates it will run from 04/15/05 through 07/15/05 and the rebates are as listed below. ![]() • [04/01/05] - Canon have announced a new rebate scheme (coupon book) for purchasers of the EOS 20D and EOS 350D - but only in certain European countries. The rebates apply to selected items purchased between March 15th and December 31st 2005. For example in the UK, there's a £70 rebate on the EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM, £100 on the EF 300mm f/4L IS USM and £35 on the EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM. For a full list of all eligable products and the countries in which the rebates are available visit
March 2005• [03/29/05] - Canon have announced new firmware updates for the EOS 1Ds mkII [1.1.1] and the EOS 1D mkII [1.2.1]. They add a couple of languages and deal with some issues related to CF cards and camera-computer communication. • [03/28/05] - Version 1.6.1 of Canon's Digital Photo Professional is now available from the Canon Website. Note that it's an 11.7MB download, so if you're on a dialup line it will take some time. The instruction manual is a 1.47MB download. Note that DPP is located in the "Drivers" section of the menus that are presented once you've selected your camera from the list. • [03/2/05] - If you haven't seen it, take a look at the Canon Technology Library. There's some interesting stuff there. • [03/22/05] -
The Tokina 12-24/4 lens for APS-C DSLRs is now shipping from Adorama (at last!) and is the lowest price wideangle lens (wider than 18mm) available. It's around $500 (street) and so far reviews have been positive. It will fit any EOS SLR but will vignette on full frame cameras. However the mount is standard EF (not EF-S) so it's fine on a D30/D60/10D/20D as well as the Digital Rebel and Digital Rebel XT. Stocks are low right now, but they are slowly shipping to customers who have pre-orders placed. I hope to have a brief review online soon.
• [03/16/05] - Digital Rebel XTs are now landing in customer's hands. Initial reports bear out my initial prediction that image quality would be very similar to that of the 20D. I'm hoping to have a hands on review available here by next week, but I'm not expecting any surprises from the camera! • [03/15/05] - The Digital Rebel XT is now starting to ship in quantity. Amazon have shipped cameras to those who placed the first orders with them and most major retailers are doing the same. It may be a while before they are widely available off the shelf from stock since there are a lot of backorders to fill. Word is that the black version is selling much faster than the silver version. I did hear that a couple of electronics stores who got early shipments actually did had a couple of units of the silver version available off the shelf - but no black ones! • [03/08/05] -
As reported by Sify: • [03/11/05] - The Digital Rebel XT is now shipping from Canon. They have confirmed that the first major shipments to retailers were made this week. By next week most of the major retailers should start shipping to customers. • [03/08/05] - Canon have posted some new full size Digital Rebel XT sample images, including macro and night shots, on the • [03/04/05] - FWIW, the Spanish website quesabesde.com has a report of an interview with Antonio Santalla and Cristina Leon of Canon Spain in which they speculate on the possibility of a new EOS camera placed between the EOS 20D and the EOS 1D series, perhaps for release in late 2005. As best I can make out it's only speculation, but it appears to be speculation by senior employees of Canon Spain if I'm reading the article correctly. Make of this what you will. It's certainly something many people think will eventually happen. If you speak Spanish, maybe you'll get a better sense of the article which you can find at http://www.quesabesde.com/noticias/1_1717. If you don't speak Spanish you can get a machine translation via Babelfish February 2005• [02/26/05] - Update on the Adobe offer described below. Today Adobe extended their offer of PhotoShop CS for $299 to Canon uses who received PhotoShop Elements 2 with a digital camera. Their offer is now valid through November 30th 2005. • [02/23/05] - Just a reminder. Canon users who received a copy of Photoshop Elements 2 with their camera have 5 days left to take Adobe up on their offer a full version of PhotoShop CS for $299. Details of the offer are here. This offer expires on February 28th 2005. • [02/22/05] - The lastest issue of the Canon (Europe) CPS newsletter is out. Articles on the 350D (digital rebel XT), B&W digital, E-TTL II, DPP and more. See http://www.cps.canon-europe.com/newsletter/issue11/index.html • [02/17/05] - There's an interesting "white paper" from Canon on the EOS Digital Rebel XT (350D). It's a PDF file which you can download from http://www.usa.canon.com/html/PMA/pdf/Rebel%20XT%20WP.pdf. Note that it's a 4.6MB document so it will take a while to download if you're on a slow dialup connection. There's some "marketing speak" but also quite a bit of technical info on the Digital Rebel XT (350D). Well worth a read. - The Wall Street Journal online edition has an item mentioning the EOS Digital Rebel XT. They quote a price of $899 for the body, $999 for the body with the kit lens (18-55) and availability next month. I can't provide a link to the article since it's a subscription site and a password is needed to view it. • [02/16/05] - NEWS: Digital Rebel XT. News is breaking of the rumored
Digtal Rebel XT. It has an 8.0MP sensor, not the same 8.2MP sensor as is used in the 20D. It's available in black or silver and shoots at 3fps for 14 frame (JPEG) bursts. It has a Digic II processor and fast (0.2s) startup. It's maller and lighter than the current Digital Rebel. It has selectable AF modes and metering modes plus a B&W mode. I should have an article ready with more details later this evening and I'll post the link here when it's published.
• [02/16/05] - Update on the EOS 20Da (thanks to a Japanese speaking reader). The price is listed as 250,000 Yen, which is approximately $2400. Orders will be accepted ONLY from Japanese addresses. The camera will be delivered within 3 months of the order being placed. • [02/14/05] - Canon came up with a bit of a surprise today. No, not
the rumored new version of the Digital Rebel, but a different version of the EOS 20D, the EOS 20D-A. It appears to be essentially an EOS 20D but with the hot mirror (which normally blocks deep red and IR from the sensor) modified to allow better transmission atthe hydrogen-alpha wavelength of 656nm. This gives extended red (and possibly near-infrared??) sensitivity. The primary intended application is astrophotography but it may possibly also be somewhat useful for infrared photography. There is also a "live LCD mode", where manual focusing (at up to 10x magnification) and composition can be done on the LCD monitor rather than using the reflex viewfinder. Note this "live LCD" manual focusing option is not available with lenses which use the motor for focusing even in manual mode. • [02/08/05] - I get quite a bit of email asking if
the EF-S 10-22 or the EF-S 17-85 can be converted to mount on a camera with a standard EF mount (10D, D60, D30), in the same way as I described for the EF-S 18-55. My standard answer is that I don't know because I haven't tried it and I probably don't intend to! However It did recently run across the following web page (which is in an asian language) which shows some images of what appears to be a conversion of the EF-S 17-85 to an EF mount.
• [02/04/05] - Well I guess I missed the release of version 5.0 of Canon's Zoombrowser/Imagebrowser software, but if you did too I guess this counts as news! Zoombrowser 5.0 EX (description) is for the PC, Imagebrowser 5.0 (description) is for the Mac. Finding the update is tricky since it only seems to be listed under the Digital Rebel (at least it's NOT listed under the 20D). If you go to this page http://web.canon.jp/Imaging/software/zbex5-e/index.html and navigate your way through the menus, picking the Digital Rebel as your camera and choosing Software Application and Updates, you'll find the update files for Zoombrowser 5.0. Note it's about a 35MB download, so if you're on a dialup connection it's going to take a while.... • [02/01/05] - Canon have announced a new Powershot camera, the A520. It replaces the A85 and has a 4MP sensor with a 4x optical zoom. For more details see the Canon Powershot A520 Preview
[Return to Top] or [Return to Home Page] January 2005• [01/31/05] - Today is the last day of the current
Canon Rebate scheme. As I've said elsewhere, I don't know if it will be continued, but, if it is, I can't see the rebates getting any better since the dollar is still weak against the Yen (110 in October, 103 today, 12 month prediction - 97)
• [01/21/05] - Canon have started with pre-PMA announcments. The first is an announcement of a new Powershot digicam, the Canon Powershot A510, a 3.2MP camera with a 4x optical zoom, priced under $200. I'd imagine we may see more new products announced in the next few weeks. PMA 2005 (the Photo Marketing Association Trade Show) takes place in Orlando, Florida, between February 20th and February 23d 2005. • [01/14/05] - Just posted the Canon info on the new Canon SELPHY CP-400 and PIXMA iP90 printers and the Canoscan LiDE 500F scanner • [01/05/05] - Canon have issued several press releases on new products announced at CES (Consumer Electronics Show) which is currently running in Las Vegas. No new still cameras or lenses (I think we'll have to wait for PMA for that), but a new scanner, new DV videocams and a couple of new small printers. • [01/04/05] - An interview with the president of Canon can be found on the "Japan Today" website. "Canon's sales of digital cameras increased 70% in 2004. We are still doing unusually well. It is a reasonable view to suggest that market is about to mature. However, I can still see room for growth. [Return to Top] or [Return to Home Page]
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