As a change from all the technical stuff I usually add to this website, I've just added an experimental image gallery so you can see that from time to time I actually do some photography rather then just shoot images of resolution charts and grey cards!
Nothing too fancy, just a few shots that have been hanging out in my files for a while that I finally got around to arranging.
For those who still hanker after technical details, the pages were made using a combination of Jalbum, Simpleviewer plus a little hand coding! The images are a mixture of film and digital. The B&W images were scanned from film, the color images are digital shot with an EOS 20D or 40D.
The images were mostly shot in four locations: The Frelinghuysen arboretum in Morristown, NJ, the Leonard J. Buck Gardens in Far Hills, NJ, in New York City and at various places in Maine.